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2010 April minutes
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of April 21, 2010.

Meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Donahue, at 6:40 p.m.

Roll call
Present: Pat Donahue (chair, PD), Elaine Heredeen (treasurer; EH), Dolores Nangle (DN), Domingo Alvarez (DA), Donna Clifford (DC), Alice Williams (AW), Joan Lovely (JL, City Council liaison to the COA).
Absent: Pam Greaves, James Willis, Jane Sarnowski.

PD: Motion to waive a reading of the minutes of the March meeting.

EH: Seconded

PD: Recommends that board members attend meetings or call ahead in anticipation of their absence. Without cooperation, board members will have to be asked to resign.

JL:  Supports the chair in that regard.

PD: Asks for Director Doug Bollen’s report.

Doug Bollen:
·       Spring/summer 2010 Salem Recreation booklet was completed and delivered to all households in the City. Nearly $4,000 in advertising revenue was realized.
·       The ad hoc group charged with making recommendations on the interior design of the to-be-constructed senior/community center visited relatively new facilities in Swampscott and Malden.

PD: Malden was super-impressive in terms of lighting, materials, colors. Swampscott was a nice little place built onto the new high school, but it was a totally different atmosphere.
Doug Bollen:
·       The woman who designed the Malden facility, Elaine Bello submitted a “scope of services” for $11,000, but we will be seeking other bids.
·       A new van was received. Footprints donated the painting of a stripe and lettering on the side of the van. We have a purchase order for a second new van, which we expect to arrive in a few weeks.
·       Statistics: Transportation -- In March 2009, COA transportation provided 1,382 point-to-point rides; 1,470 in March 2010. Congregate meals -- In March 2009, 279 congregate meals were served; 575 in March 2010. Home-Delivered Meals -- In March 2009, 1,763 meals were delivered; 2,269 in March 20010. Social Services -- In March 2010, 310 senior citizens (60 and older) were served 517 times; nine people under the age of 60 were served 14 times.
·       Considering budget difficulties for the year to come, just getting level funding would be good.
·       Donations: Walgreen’s donated $1,000 to the Council on Aging. Children in the Fabre family collected recyclable bottles and cans and redeemed them for $253, which was given, as a memorial gift, to the Council on Aging.
·       Asks Asst. Director Bill Woolley to report on outreach project to Spanish-speaking senior citizens.

Bill Woolley:  From April 2009 to the present, 56 Spanish-speaking senior citizens have been registered in the My Senior Center database for the Council on Aging; 49 are from Salem, seven are from out-of-town. Transportation: 12 people have been given 196 rides. Congregate meals: four people have had 35 meals. Home-delivered meals: The first Spanish-speaking senior citizen to receive HDM will begin getting lunches Monday, April 26. Activities: 11 people have attended 44 events/programs. Social services: 40 people have been served 71 times.

Doug Bollen:
·       The annual volunteer appreciation dinner will be Thursday, April 22, at the Ward 2 Social Club.
·       A monthly talk show, featuring the Park, Recreation & Community Services Department, will be on SATV. The first taping will be Friday, May 21.
·       Events: 84 people attended the pizza party; 45 attended the showing of the movie “Blind Side;” volunteer appreciation week is taking place this week; events coming up include the annual book sale, trip to the Black Cat Cafe at Salem high School, a Red Sox game, a Mothers Day luncheon and tea, a Senior Prom (May 20) and a Wii kickoff (May 10).
·       Social workers are pursuing training on hoarding among senior citizens and will be on a regional board convened to address that issue.
·       Kevin Harvey will visit the Senior center to present information on the Homestead Act, as well as information on current scams targeting senior citizens.
·       The PRCS Department is selling parking stickers, applied to car windshields, for Winter Island, Forest River Park and the McCabe Marina. The cost is $15 for senior citizens; $20 otherwise; $5 for a second sticker.

PD: Notes that board members Jane Sarnowski and James Willis did not call ahead to notify anyone of their absences.

EH: Motion to adjourn.

DN: Seconded.

PD: Adjourns meeting at 7:38 p.m.

The next COA board meeting will be Wednesday, May 19.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Woolley, having taken minutes at the request of COA board.